the dress: as skirt // green dress: maurices // scarf: from boyfriend

This green dress has been in my closet since junior high. It's one of my favorite dresses ever but putting it on today I realized that I'm finally outgrowing it. :( Hopefully it will find a good home with my sister. And I wish I had discovered this fancy trick with dresses earlier in this 30 day challenge: folding the top to turn it into a skirt! Before when I wore it as a 'skirt,' I was just wearing a shirt over the dress, but with some not-so-fancy folding you can easily turn it into an actual skirt to wear over other dresses. Sweet!

This is probably my new favorite nail design. Tape is a glorious invention, especially when it comes to nails. And for an extra surprise, my top clear coat turns pink in the sun! (So the middle parts of my nails go from clear to pink. Awww yeeeah.) Good thing today the sun is actually out and I'm going out as well.

As always, I'm wearing this dress for an entire month to raise money for the Batonga Foundation, which supports girls in Africa by giving them a full education. You can read more about it here! Every little bit helps.
Thank you and have an awesome day!

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