day 273

The first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was, "Did yesterday really just happen?" I'm still trying to process all that occured. On Friday my friend Ben Holtrop asked me if I wanted to hang out with him and a couple other photographers all day Saturday. Of course I said yes (and might have possibly teared up and jumped around everywhere) because not only was I going to be able to hang out with Ben, but also my friend Jenna, Dominique Berho, Shane Black, and Sarah Ann Loreth! They are all extremely talented people and some of my biggest inspirations when it comes to photography and all around awesomeness.

Ben, Jenna, Dom, and I all drove to Portland to meet up with Shane and Sarah for sushi. After eating delicious food, running to REI, (and Jenna and me getting lost--I mean, going sight seeing), we headed out to the gorgeous Cannon Beach. My pictures of the beach definitely do not do it justice. The smells, the sounds of the waves, the driving wind, the numb toes, and the mist fading the mountains into the sky--well let's just suffice to say that I could have easilly lived there for the rest of my life.

Sarah aka the coolest person in the world.

The super awesome Ben.

We went exploring along the beach and after being dumbfounded by how breathtaking everything was, we got to work taking photos (and by work I mean having the time of our lives). I took pictures, other people took pictures of me, man, I was in heaven. We talked about how photography is so awesome because it really brings people together. If I hadn't have gotten into photography, I would have never even known of these amazing people, much less actually had the opportunity to meet them. I think that's my favorite thing about photography, getting to meet truly incredible people. Just being around them really inspired me to work even harder with my photography and to put forth every single bit of my energy into doing what I love.

Sarah taking a photo of me! (I might have been freaking out just a little bit inside at this point.)

Ben taking a photo of Shane, the ultimate master of landscape photography.

After we watched the sunset (Alaska doesn't have great sunsets so I was totally blown away by all the beautiful colors), we drove a couple miles to a hole-in-the-wall restaurant and ate more yummy food. Then it was time for the two hour drive back to the real world. Gosh, even thinking about everything doesn't make it seem real. I'm sad because I know I'll get off this high soon and get back into the swing of school and real life, but for now I'm going to channel all this excitement and stretch it out for the rest of the 365 project.

Dapper Dominique with his infinite film camera knowledge (also thanks for helping me with my film camera!).

I can't believe that within the first two months of living in Oregon I have been able to hang out with such insanely brilliant people. I can't wait to see what the next four years hold!
When I edit the rest of my photos, I'll make another post for you guys, so stay tuned for that!
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