Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 in review

Wow, I can hardly believe another year has come and gone. I know it's been said that the older people get, the faster the years seem to fly by, but I never realized how fast they would be. Below are my favorite (documented) outfits of the year, as well as a recap on some things that I've been up to. (And here is 2011 and 2012)


January; Got to meet some amazing photographers and start taking my first photography class!

February; Held my first gallery show

March; Did a fun week of remixing over spring break.

April; Won my school's photography award.

May; Was featured in BokehOnline.

June; Went camping at the Russian River and Trail River, and participated in the Color Run.

July; Did a behind-the-scenes for my "Gold" photo, and photographed the 2013 Expedition Day Camp.

August; Finished my summer photography internship and went on an amazing backpacking trip.

September; Began my sophomore year of college strong by dying my hair purple, participating in the Color Run and being hired for the new yearbook staff!

October; Went on a beautiful Art Retreat, photographed the Bellarive + Digital Age concert, and went to the pumpkin patch

November; Was a pretty non-blogging month, but I went to the Switchfoot Concert and the Winter Formal with Matt, and had my photos published in Clubhouse Jr. Magazine.

December; Finished up the school year and came back to Alaska for winter break.

I hope you all had a very wonderful 2013, and may 2014 be even better!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

back to the homeland

navy dress: thrifted // shirt/tights/shirt: forever 21 // vest: maurices // shoes: target

I know I said I wouldn't post until next year, but I overestimated how busy I would be and the snowfall was just too good to pass up. Of course, I forgot how annoying it was to actually shoot outfit photos in the snow, so this may be all you get for a while. But yes, I'm finally back in the homeland. The roads are icy, it's dark all the time, and my nose is constantly red from the cold, but it's nice to snuggle up next to a kitty cat with warm potato soup. Mmm.

I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Friday, December 20, 2013

I'll be home for Christmas

dress: borrowed // tights: walmart // socks: target // shoes/gloves: forever 21 // photos by Matt

Today is the big day, people! I have one more final this morning, and then it's off to the airport to fly home for Christmas. This semester has been so jam packed, I'll be thankful for a little snowy break. (My friend Amy wants me to put the word "Potato" in here somewhere, so there's that. Oh, I just received word that it has to be in context, so ... I like potatoes. Happy now, Amy?)

But anyways, it's so interesting to look back on this post to see just how much I've grown in a year. I'm definitely more confident, more secure in who I am as a person and who I want to become, and a lot more focused than I once was. Of course, I'm a firm believer in the ability to always improve, and I know there are a lot of areas for me to grow into. I've been thinking just a bit about new year's resolutions, and even though I'm a failure at completing them, I still like the idea of self-improvement. There are just a couple things I really want to focus on in the upcoming year, such as being more organized (to include organizing my schedule), being more focused on my art, and continuing to be more diligent in school. It's been pretty good this semester, but I want it to be even better. As for the art, I've sort of taken a small break, in part because of school, but I hope to create a few photos over the break. Next semester will also be helpful as I'm taking Intermediate Photography and Intermediate Ceramics AND Writing Fiction, so I will be producing a lot of art!

And here is my wonderful photographer and the most handsome guy in the world. I won't make this paragraph too mushy gushy, but I am so so thankful he is in my life (and has been closer to me this semester), and for all the things he's helped me through this semester. It's nice to be close to your best friend and I love him so much.

So in just a few hours, it will officially be Christmas break and I will be surrounded by beautiful Alaskan mountains and my wonderful family and pets. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday season. I probably will take a few days off of blogging, so I'll see you next year! (that joke is still funny, right?)

Monday, December 16, 2013

my week in instagram #65

putting up Christmas decorations // driving down the Oregon roads // viewing cool art at galleries // painting for class // petting the cutest puppy in the world // being fancy with the most handsome guy

Sorry things have been pretty quiet around here for the past couple of days. It's been a busy week, with not being able to go to bed until four in the morning most nights, thanks to the overwhelming amounts of final projects. But as you can see from my latest instagram photos, it certainly has not been without some good times! I have survived though, my sleep schedule is back to normal, and now there is just one more week of finals between me and Christmas break.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!