Saturday, December 22, 2012

thoughts on photography

I recently read an article about how our phones have changed photography, and it really got me thinking about what I want to be as a photographer and how all of us are affected by this technology.

I learned once in some class a long time ago (or I might have read it in a Time magazine) that technology is growing exponentially. When I was a little kid my parents had a giant video camera that recorded everything on those big tapes that you could stick into VCRs, and now I have a video camera that slips into my back pocket. The same goes with cameras. They used to carve everything on rocks and ride dinosaurs and now film photography is seen as a novelty sort of thing (seriously, when was the last time you bought even a disposable camera, much less tinkered with a film camera?). We live in the digital age, and I am definitely all for it. Our cameras are smaller and better, we get instant gratification, we share, upload, download. Photography is no longer this novelty sort of thing, it's documenting and sharing our experiences (and I loved how the article talked about this).

That's largely why I'm a photographer, to document my life and the lives of those around me, be that through weddings, senior photos, you name it. It's all about documentation. The definition of photography has changed dramatically over the years, I think. Part of me thinks that way too many people call themselves photographers because of how available it is. Now I've seen some fantastic work that was done solely with an iphone in a studio, but it seems like every person with a camera phone calls themselves a photographer (or at least thinks they could do it). In one sense, it's awesome that this art form is so popular. There are a lot of creative minds out there who are brilliant photographers and extremely talented at what they do and I love their passion and creativity and how easily I can look at their work. Had it not been for them and the fact that photography was and is so readily available, I would have never dreamed of myself being a photographer. But in another sense, it leaves me worried (or curious, I suppose would have a better mindset to this) that the availability of the art form has cheapened it. If anyone can snap a picture of a flower or a person and call it art, is it really art? Perhaps, to borrow from Disney, the saying "anyone can cook" really means a great chef can come from anyone. Sure anyone can take photos, but great art is not limited to a select few, and even though the availability of photography does open the doors to anyone messing around with it, it also allows that one special person to discover it and do amazing things.

But with photography being so available today, it does make the market incredibly difficult. I guess it still goes back to "anyone can cook." I'd hate to sound rude or uppity, but not everyone should be a photographer. Even though the definition of photography has changed from being purely art to also documentation, that doesn't mean the art side of it has disappeared completely. You still have to have a little bit of creativity inside of you to truly be great. But I have also read that, like a lot of things in life, it's 90% learned skill and only 10% natural talent (that's not a real scientific statistic, but you get my point). There are so many classes and online articles and tutorials that are available to the public. It's that cookbook for the beginning chef. He just has to follow a set of ingredients to become awesome. It all takes time and learning and patience. But I do think this has caused people to become hasty in giving themselves titles and creating makeshift businesses and charging people for photos that could have been better had they taken the time to learn and grow in the art side of photography rather than jumping into the document and experience side of it.

As for me, I truly believe that anyone can be a photographer. I love photography because I can document my life. I also love it because I can create art with the tools available to me. I love it because it's an art form that is instantly gratifying and I love it because I can share it. I love it because you really don't need fancy, expensive equipment to create. I love it because instagram came from it and opened this new world of sharing and the planting of ideas in people's heads (thoughts like, "Hey, this photo isn't so bad, maybe I should look deeper into this photography thing."). I love it because anyone can pick up a camera or a phone and feel the same way I feel.

If you want to be a photographer for whatever reason (to document, to share, to create), I would say go for it one hundred million percent. Taking the plunge has changed my life completely, and for the better too. All the tools are available. You don't even need a fancy Digital SLR camera (I did my entire first 365 project using only a $75 point and shoot camera, so I know there are no excuses). All you need is a desire, a crazy desire to create, to document, to share your life with others, because I have learned that photography is so much more than just instagram and an iphone, it's this insane community of creative, beautiful people all with a desire to create something amazing.

Friday, December 21, 2012

reaping in spring

day 355

Ten more days whaaaa? And in case anyone is curious, no, I'm not doing another year long photography project. I've about had all I can take with them and I'm ready to improve on the quality and not quantity of my images. I'm ready to do things that require a lot of bravery and sheer insanity, things that take me so out of my comfort zone I'll never look back. Because life is too short to live it in fear and safety and comfort.

In other news, my boyfriend comes back home today and I'm practically bouncing off the walls in anticipation of seeing him.

film friday: freshman year: semester one

Freshman Year Semester One from Lauren Parker on Vimeo.

Is it cheating if I showed a video I made on film friday? Well regardless, here is a video comprised of some of the adventures I had my first semester of college with some incredible people. I miss them so so much right now and I can't wait for next semester!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

how lovely are you now?

day 354

Reminder to myself to not paint my nails during the daylight, because then I run out of daylight to take pictures in, haha.

This photo is a bit different from what I usually do, but then again, I think I say that with all my photos so who knows what I "usually do" anyways.

And now I am off to play some Legend of Zelda and save the world!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012



day 353

from my diary, July 30, 2011:
I used
I used to wonder.
I used to wonder what it would feel like to not exist.
I used to wonder what would happen if I just ceased to exist. Not really die, exactly, but just … disappear. Would I float? Swim? Blink until the tears came? Stare at light? Darkness? Would the people I left behind notice? Would they care? Or would it be as though I was never even a memory? Funny how once people move out of your life—or you move out of theirs—it’s as if you cease to exist. They forget about you. Everything you went through together. All the tears and laughter and memories. They all seem as though they never happened. That you never were a part of their life. But you have to stand on the edge of that light, floating, sinking, watching them live on without you, watching them find new friends, new family, while you yell and scream and cry for their attention, but all you receive is an ignoring glance. And they look at you as if they don’t even know your name.
I used
I used to wonder.
I used to wonder how hard it would be to not exist.
Would I really not want to exist? Would that really be what I wanted? How easy it would be …
But now.
But now I know that I could never want that. No matter how hard things get, I could never ever want that. Life is far too beautiful to not be able to exist in it. And it’s also funny, because the people who previously never existed, with no warning, come into your existence. And suddenly it’s like that bright light, but beautiful. It feels like you’re floating. And the people who never existed before become so real and so near and dear to your heart that it feels like it would stop beating if they ever disappeared. You never want to leave. You never will. Not for anything in the world. And you pray to God that they never wish that they didn’t exist, because without them you wouldn’t be a whole person … and that would be worse than not existing.
I used to wonder.
I used to wonder what it would feel like.
I used to wonder what if would feel like to love. And to be loved. And to know that no matter what happens, good or bad, no matter what life throws, no matter the mistakes or hardships, no matter the moments of joy or tears, that no one will leave. No one will forget about you. No one will push you out of their life. No one will call you your friend and then find someone else. Someone better.

I don’t wonder anymore.
Mine’s a beautiful existence with you in it.
And that’s all I want.

It's nice to see that I've improved at least a little bit since taking this photo. I'm always so nostalgic when I look back through my first 365, because there was nothing stopping me. I didn't let anything get in my way and this time around I've let a lot of things get in my way. But before I took this photo I thought to myself, "I need to start with the thought that I'm going to create something awesome instead of mope around thinking I'm not going to take a very good picture today." I've been thinking a lot about emotions and how they affect us and how we can control them, and I've decided to control my emotions and use that power to create happiness for myself and the world around me. That makes things much better anyways. I am very happy right now. I have been happy for a long time. College has been a very good thing for me and it's changed me for the better, and coming back home has caused me to realize that. I'm not the same person I was a year ago or a few months ago; I am much happier. And I plan to keep it that way. I'm going to fight for my happiness.

(For my own documentation purposes: today I got to hang out with Dayl and Kylie at coffee and I love them so much.)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

a midnight cry

a midnight cry

day 352

This photo is inspired by a series of music videos, this one being the first in the series. I love M83 and their videos are always stunning.

a before and after as well as a close up will be up on my facebook page momentarily!

Today I finally got to hang out with my two favorite guys (oh how I missed them so much), and then in a couple minutes I'll be off to play some video games with my family!

baby, it's cold outside

sweater/skirt: thrifted // tights: walmart // collared shirt: Matt // boots/belt: target

Oh. My. Gosh. All I can say is I had forgotten how horrible it is to take outfit photos in Alaska in the dead of winter. I think I stood outside for a total of about two minutes before my fingers hurt so bad from all the blood rushing out of them to protect my vital organs. I will definitely have to get better at posing with my life literally on the line every time I step foot outside. Okay, I may be exaggerating a little bit, but it is really cold and I'm still getting used to photographing in the strange all-day sunrise/set thing this place has going on.

I'm not going to let the cold or anything else stop me though. I had been pretty nervous about coming back to Alaska because this place holds some not so great memories and not so great feelings, but I've decided to make this month super awesome. I'm going to be happy and have fun and hang out with friends as much as possible and be with my family as much as possible and smile a lot. That's my plan and I'm sticking with it.

I've already gotten to go back to my high school and say hi to all the awesome people that attend there. Initially, I didn't want to go whatsoever because, like I said before, it held some not so great memories, but I knew the people that were in those memories wouldn't be there so I forced myself out of bed and I'm so glad I did. It was so wonderful seeing my favorite people and getting lots of hugs. :3 It was almost like I was in a dream because high school seems like something that happened a lifetime ago, and it was weird having all those lovely faces in the present again. And hopefully I get to see them more in the future!

(Haha look at my cute cold red nose!)

I hope you guys have a really happy and wonderful day!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

no, no, no, no, no

day 349

oh whoops yet another hair flip with a crazy crop photo ... come on, Lauren ...

an old guy smoking a cigarette and contemplating life watched me take this.

Also today I got to see the Hobbit. You should drop what you're doing right now and go see it.

my week in instagram #27

poker while I was winning // poker while I was *ahem* not winning // drinking hot chocolate and studying for finals // my favorite 365 photo to date // poker getting a little out of hand // Oregon saying goodbye to me // me saying goodbye to Oregon // finally made it back to Alaska // Alaska saying hi

Hope you guys had a great week and may the next one be even better!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

back in the last frontier

day 348

I'm finally back home in Alaska for a month. I forgot how cold it is here, and how quickly the sun rises and sets (only three hours of daylight). It's weird being home but it's a good weird. I can't wait to see all my friends here and take fun wintry photos and of course celebrate another Christmas and New Years.

Friday, December 14, 2012

film friday: the rip tide

I am a fan of this band and this music video. It definitely inspires me a lot, but I will let it speak for itself.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

shirt: borrowed // dress (as skirt): thrifted // tights: target // shoes/coat: forever 21

It's the big day today! In just a few hours I hop on a plane (by myself for the very first time) and head home for a whole month of relaxation! There are so many emotions swirling inside me right now. I'm happy, sad, nervous, excited ... and there are multiple reasons for each of those feelings. I have a couple more finals today and a little bit of packing left to do. The fish's bowl is clean and our fridge is unplugged and defrosted and all our Christmas decorations over our door have been taken down. My ticket is printed and my fingers are crossed that my bags are under the fifty pound weight limit. I'm ready for this.

As for my outfit, it was taken from one of my inspirations on my pinterest board, and I really like the idea of actually following through with the random things that I pin. You can see my friend Jordan sporting the inspiration for my outfit here! I really liked her hair and how she paired the yellow top with yellow tights, so I wanted to have that same idea when creating my outfit. I felt like a fairy princess running around in this--especially when the sun came out while I was taking photos! I'm sad I found this photo spot on the last day of school--it's literally thirty seconds from my dorm and no one ever uses the road so there are never any prying eyes on me being ridiculous in front of the camera--but at least I'll have a fun new location to come back to!

The next time you see me, I'll be standing in some snow!

Have a safe Friday everyone!

the aftermath

the aftermath

day 346

this really looks a lot better on 500px

model is Jeremy (I think that's his name)

Today I did something I've never in a million years thought I would do. I actually asked a random person to model for a picture! Our beloved pet store caught on fire last night, which was super sad, and I still don't know many details but when I was looking around it seemed like there was a lot of damage inside. But I knew this was a rare opportunity to take some pictures, so Jenna came with me and we explored a bit. At first I was just taking pictures of myself by the fire truck, but it didn't look right at all. And I knew I would regret it if I didn't ask the group of fire fighters, sooo I did it! Big huge thanks to Jeremy for letting a random girl take his picture! I'm pretty sure after this, I can do anything.

He talked about how fire fighting was just his job just like me taking pictures. I hope to make as big of an impact through my pictures as he does with his job.

life in technicolor

dress/shoes: target jacket: forever 21 // shirt: ebay + diy // leggings: borrowed

It's my last full day in Oregon. Man, that sentence kind of caught me off guard. Let's just take a moment here. It's my last full day in Oregon. That's crazy. Part of me is really sad to leave. I mean, this place has been my home for four months. I've grown here, made friends I'll keep for life, have learned so much, been given so many opportunities ... constantly I'm surrounded by beautiful nature and even more beautiful people. I'm really sad to be leaving all that behind. But then part of me is really excited to finally go home to Alaska. I'll be able to see my family again, cuddle with my cat, put my feet up on the dog when he sits in front of the tv, eat my mom's yummy macaroni, have family dinners again, see snow finally, see my family again (did I mention see my family again?). I am kind of nervous though since I have been living on my own for a little bit (and I feel like I've matured a lot--hahaha but take that with a grain of salt) and I'm sure the family dynamics at home have changed. It will take just a bit of readjusting to living at home. Oh but man am I excited to see everyone.

In the meantime, I still have three finals left, so I am trying not to get too excited about going home.

Hope you have an awesome day!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

sailing home

sailing home

day 345

Today was a marvelous day! Amy is sitting beside me right now, and she was the beautiful model for today's photo. My university always has crazy awesome displays, so of course I have to utilize them for my own selfish photographic purposes. This week has been filled with finals and lots of sleeping (yaaaaay sleeping!) and I cannot wait to return home, though I will be sad to leave my family here! They are just such a blessing to me. You guys are awesome!

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, December 10, 2012

hey there bright eyes

hey there bright eyes

day 344

Because everyone needs at least one silly picture in their 365. And I want to remember how happy I am at the moment. I have awesome friends, an awesome boyfriend, an awesome family I'm coming back home to in less than a week, awesome supporters (that's you!), and I love everyone so much. Group hug!

got a secret

jacket/shoes/jean dress: forever 21 // white dress c/o sugarlips // leggings: urban vibe

Today marks the first day of the last week of my first semester at college! It's dead day, so I'm taking it easy and studying for finals and hanging out with friends and buying Christmas presents. My friends have also gotten me addicted to Pretty Little Liars (yeeah, major white girl show that's totally ridiculous and unrealistic but still somehow addicting), so I'm sure we will be watching a lot of that ... and playing poker. Oh yeah, we're crazy college students.

The rest of the week is going to go by so fast/slow. Fast because every week goes by really fast, but slow because I only have one final every day and then two on friday and each day itself goes by slowly. I think everyone including me is just about ready to go home. I think a lot of it is the Christmas spirit going around. Only five more days!

I hope your week is fantastic!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

my week in instagram #26

1. Chilling out at the dorm Christmas party drinking hot chocolate (out of a mug I made!) and making snowflakes. My roommate Annette is amazing at making snowflakes she's been helping me make some pretty cool ones. Our window is currently covered in our snowflake creations.

2. Finally hung up the Brave posters Matt got for me. I seriously loved all the art in that movie. Looking at the art makes me want to go to Scotland and Ireland so badly.

3. Snowflakes in the common areas! Courtesy of all the awesome people living in our dorm.

4. Glazing a random pot. I have just a couple more things I need to glaze, but I'm so sad ceramics is over. My teacher was sad I couldn't come back next semester, but one day I shall take all the ceramics classes. Even though some days were really frustrating, I loved being able to create things that I use in real life. It's practical art.

5. Making Christmas cookies! I might have eaten these all in one sitting.

6. Shadow play. This was a cool display at a senior art exhibition. I need to go back and take real pictures there.

7. Snowflakes everywhere! Oh my goodness, I took a lot of pictures of snowflakes this week.

8. Dressing up all fancy to celebrate the end of the semester by eating cheesecake with awesome people!

9. Forever fascinated by interesting ceilings. Whenever I finally get my own house, you can bet the ceilings will be awesome.

As always, you can follow my adventures on instagram @impulsings. Hope you guys have a fantastic week!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

the secrets we keep

the secrets we keep

day 342

Today has been an incredibly long day, but one where a lot has been overcome. Who knew I could learn so much in one day? To borrow from my boyfriend's facebook status: "Sometimes we forget how damaged people are from things that happened before we even knew them. We assume that their life began when we met them. But they lived an entire life before we knew their name, and assuming otherwise is unbelievably dangerous. Everyone has scars, everyone was hurt in the past. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Always remember that. We'll never know the full story - so don't take it upon yourself to fill in the blanks."

That status goes perfectly with the meaning I had set up for this 365 photo, where title is actually from a popular song about a girl in prostitution and the song talks about the facade that people put up and even though people you see look like they have it all together, they are really falling apart on the inside. And I think that image really shows that a. you can't judge people by their appearance, and b. everyone has demons that they face and you should be kind and loving to everyone and smile at strangers that you pass on the street because they could be fighting a hard battle and you would never know it. I think it really shows that every person is more than just a passing face and they have a story and an entire past wrapped up into who they are and I purposely created the image to tell a story and to stir up emotion. (Mostly the emotion of compassion for the character because a lot of things in the photo imply that she is facing a hardship--downward gaze, the smoke that presents mystery, the tones of the photo, etc. and to get the viewer to want to help her.)

I think it takes a lifetime to not only learn about a person but it also takes a lifetime to realize that there are people other than you. What I mean is, that other people have thoughts and feelings and the things you do and say affect those feelings. I want to live a life where I only create positive feelings for others. Above all, I want to be a good friend.

Speaking of friends, today some of my friends and I celebrated the end of the semester by dressing up all fancy and going out for cheesecake. It was so so much fun and I am blessed beyond belief to have these girls in my life.

Today's 365 photo was an incredibly awesome accident. Ivy and I sat down by a mirror to wait for the other girls and we noticed it created an awesome effect. So right there Ivy modeled for me and I modeled for her, obviously:

Oh yeah. We're hot. The mirror loves us. ;) (But seriously my friends are so beautiful, inside and out.)

Friday, December 7, 2012

societal convergence

societal convergence

day 341

Model is Ivy.

There is a new art installation around my campus, so I utilized it for my own artistic purposes. We only had time at night to shoot it, so it was fun experimenting again with night photography.