dress: handmade // shirt: thrifted // tights/boots: forever 21

This will be the last outfit I "officially" style from the Remix my Closet post, so sorry if your outfit wasn't included! (I'm inevitably going to wear them though, it's just that I am pretty backed up on outfits currently, heh.) This outfit was put together by Alex, but I totally had a brainfart moment and didn't wear the green tights that she had suggested! So I apologize for that. I totally forgot to even double check and was just picking out the clothes from memory. Green tights with this would have been so much more fun, and it would have worked because my dress is a light green and the tights are a dark green.

But anyways, I'm so excited for this weekend because my family is going fishing! But not just any ol' put-the-boots-on-and-stand-in-a-river-for-hours, we get to go to Prince William Sound on my dad's friend's boat and fish for salmon and halibut. Mmmm yummy in my tummy! I'm not much of a fan of fishing from a river, but I love boats a whole bunch and being anywhere even remotely near the ocean, so I can't wait. I can just taste the salty air and feel my hair whip against my cheeks now.

Have a wonderful day!
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