Hello all. I just arrived back in town from a weekend in the wild jungles of Alaska. I'll do a more in-depth post about my adventures at a later date, but for now I just wanted to give you a quick update on myself, Introvert's Introduction, and the month of August (don't worry, nothing too horrible!). As most of you know, the internet at my house was shut off (but the reason I'm able to be on the internet now is because my dad bought a little bit of extra usage for emergencies, such as checking email and blogging). I should be back to normal bloggy-ness by August 10th, when our new plan starts. On a less drastic note for you and a more drastic one for me, my phone is showing signs of biting the dust (ie the screen is a black box of death). I'm trying to do some pressure mechanics (which, in laymen's terms, means hitting it against the nearest hard object), but thus far it hasn't worked. The only thing that it will effect as far as your end goes is my instagram, which, if you know me at all, is a pretty big deal for me. I'm scheduled to join the iPhone family (I'll finally get all the cool apps) when I fly down for school on the 27th, so I'll see all you instagrammers then!
So yeah. I think that's about all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful week! How was your weekend?
dress: handmade // shirt: target // tights/shoes: thrifted
It seems these days that literally every person I know is getting engaged. Kids younger than me, kids from my class, it stopped being funny at around the tenth couple when three different couples got engaged within a four day time span. Now it's just really annoying (except I am excited for one because she's one of my photo friends and she's actually been dating her guy for a considerable amount of time and they both -appear- to be prepared for marriage). I'm not even twenty yet and people younger than me are getting hitched? Staaahp. But don't worry, I'm not gonna turn this into a complaining post. I save those kinds of things for tumblr, hehe. It can easily be said that I won't get married until I have enough money to pay for such an event and subsequently keep myself alive for at least a couple of months. Also having a job that actually pays might be a good idea too. I don't think anyone (not even me) realizes how hard it is until they actually tie the knot and actually have to live with someone else and all their flaws. But flaws are part of character, and I also think marriage would be a grand adventure! Doing fun things with your best friend all the time? Sign me up! But at the same time, don't sign me up just yet. I know I'm not ready for it. I'll just suffer in silence while everyone else around me gets married.
On a totally different note, I recently submitted this outfit to H&M's 50 states of style contest on instagram, and I would love it and be forever in your debt if you liked my photo here! If by some miracle I actually won the regional section, you can guarantee there will be a fun giveaway for those who liked my photo! Thank you so so much! (Also, I apologize in advance, but I'll be encouraging people to "like" the photo every spare moment I get, haha.)
I hope you have a great day!