Showing posts with label dress challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dress challenge. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day Nine

the dress: as shirt // skirt: diy // cardigan: thrifted

Currently there is a cat sleeping on my arm, forcing me to type with one hand, so this post may be short. Today was the senior chapel, where the juniors talked about the seniors. My friend Aly talked about me and it was the cutest thing ever. Even now people are starting to say goodbye and I almost don't want to graduate. Only two more days left of high school.

It's weird. I don't really feel like a senior. I just feel like Lauren.

Needless to say I am beyond excited for summer and for college.

Thank you so much to those of you who have donated to the Batonga Foundation to support girls in Africa and thank you to those of you who will donate. Together we can change the lives of hundreds of girls.

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day Eight

the dress: as shirt // skirt: old navy // tights: forever 21 // dress (as cardigan): mother's closet

Sorry to be posting this so late, guys! (It's almost 11pm here and man am I tired). It has been such a crazy busy day. At midnight last night us seniors gathered around our school for the senior prank. If you follow me on instagram @impulsings, you've already seen some of the mayhem we caused. We got there early, parked in a big circle around the parking lot, set up tents and a campfire, hung out a little bit, and then went inside the school. We filled the entire south common area with desks from the classroom, making a maze to get to the lockers and the stairs and the coffee shop, then we covered the hallways with streamers and balloons and confetti and candy and posters saying "2012 the end is near" and whatnot. We even put cellophane over the lights and put strobe lights in the bathroom. It was amazing. Then we all slept in our cars or tents (I went with some people to grab mcdonalds and I'm pretty sure the cashier thought we were high ... which we were not. Just high on being crazy rebels. Because seriously, this is pretty much the most rebellious thing I've ever done, and it doesn't even count as rebellious because we had a teacher there with us. But whatever. It was awesome.) We did so much that the janitors couldn't do anything about it, and it was so funny watching people try to go through the maze and seeing the teachers' faces when they turned the corner in their cars and saw the giant circle blocking their parking spots! Let me tell you, it was the greatest thing ever. As soon as I get a spare moment (which probably won't be until next weekend), I'll post some photos from the event.

Also today I finished my AP English final and Matt got the department award for Drama at our school's banquet.

Needless to say it's been a busy, exhausting day, but it's been awesome.

So goodnight everyone, and remember to donate to the Batonga Foundation to help girls in Africa!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day Seven

the dress: as dress // cardigan: from a friend // scarf: mother's closet (forever 21) // shoes: thrift store

Just a quick post today! Part one of my two part oral AP English final was today. It went pretty swell and I really had nothing to worry about. I'm busy finishing up school things as well as stuff for graduation. Thankfully episodes of Community are keeping me sane.

Please donate to help girls in Africa today through the Batonga Foundation!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day Six

the dress: as shirt // skirt: urban vibe // belt: mother's closet // scarf: dad's uniform

Today I wore the dress as a shirt. This time I'm getting better with pinning it (hooray for safety pins!) and now I'm starting to think up ways to re-wear other dresses as shirts, skirts, maybe even scarfs. Who knows!

It's been a pretty exciting day today. I've been working on designing wedding invitations (which look pretty rad if I do say so myself) for the wedding that I'm shooting this summer. I think I can add graphic design to my list of things that I want to do with my life, because it is so much fun creating visual interest with text and fonts and color alongside photographs and shapes. If there are any graphic design classes in college, sign me up!

Speaking of which ... I only have FIVE. MORE. DAYS. LEFT. OF. HIGH. SCHOOL.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow okay sorry this has suddenly become a very unprofessional post, but I cannot even contain my excitement right now. Only one week left of high school? It's so crazy. I still don't really feel like I should be a senior. It's too weird and I can't really explain it right now, but I am unbelievably excited because real life is just around the corner. I can almost taste it.

Instead of sending me a graduation present, you guys should donate to the Batonga Foundation, which helps girls in Africa finish high school so they can go on to college and live a successful life. Who knows, maybe you'll pave the way for a future graphic designer!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day Five

dress: as dress // shirt: c/o sugarlips // tights: forever 21

As I type this I'm at Matt's house, but it has already been such a busy day. This morning I went to my friend's bridal shower, but not before rushing to Michael's, having a clothing conversation with a fine gentleman, and wrapping said present all being on time with one minute to spare.

And later today Matt and I are going to my friend's surprise birthday party. We're going to watch the Avengers!! I'm super excited!

I recently (as in, last night) tried out Kaylah's idea (well it wasn't her idea, but she's where I got it from) to use tape on my nails! I like it for the most part, except it's already coming off. But that could be the fact that I don't have any good clear coat. I will definitely be trying this out again though!

There was a very slow bicyclist riding down the street while I look these photos. Hence standing in front of the camera suddenly became awkward. :)

Please donate to the Batonga Foundation to support girls in Africa today!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day Four

the dress: as shirt // pants: forever 21 // cardigan: friend // belt: thrifted // jewelry: grandma/friend

This project is already forcing me outside of my comfort zone. Not only am I mixing prints I wouldn't normally mix, but it's completely recreating the way I look at clothing. Who would have thought to wear a maxi dress as a shirt? Okay maybe that idea isn't that original, but I definitely have yet to master the art of pinning clothes to make them shorter.

Please please donate to the Batonga Foundation to support girls in Africa!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day 3

dress: worn as a dress, pinned short // red dress: mom's closet // belt: target // cupcake socks: from a friend // shoes: thrifted

Today was such a lovely picture taking day! Besides hiding from the mail lady and bicyclists and worrying about stepping in moose poop and nearly freezing my fingers, it was a very enjoyable time. Sometimes I go outside with no ideas and no particular location (okay, that's like 99% of the time), and sometimes I just have a blast. There's just something about photography and being in nature that is so therapeutic and aaah! it's just awesome. But it started snowing ... come on Alaska! It's May. You're not really funny any more. Thankfully it was just a few flakes. Quit scaring me like that, Alaska.

Aah only six days left of school! I can do this ... most of my classes are winding down but there is still the dreaded AP English tests. I think I'm more worried about our final than the actual AP test. It's going to be an oral test, and it's so hard (apparently) because my teacher gave us all the questions ... eek! So scary, haha. I'm ready to get it over with. Only a couple more days!

Check out how awesome these shoes are! They're from the thrift store that I talked about a couple days ago (the one where you could apply to be a kitty cuddler) and they were only a dollar! I'm thinking about painting them, but I'm not sure what color/design I should do. You guys have any suggestions?

As always, I'm wearing this purple dress every day for a month to support the Batonga Foundation, which provides girls in Africa a full education, which benefits their entire life. So please please donate and spread the word! Every little bit of money is helpful.

I want YOU to donate to the Batonga Foundation!

Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Batonga 30 Day Dress Challenge: Day Two

shirt: thrifted // pullover: forever 21

The great thing about using a long dress for this challenge is that it's very versatile. Today I wore it as an asymmetrical skirt with some comfy shirts over it. Of course when it was sunny outside I had assumed it would be warm as well. Nope! I think it was about 45 degrees today. So cold! Haha after the warm weather we've been experiencing in the last frontier I've gotten soft skin. It's funny because when we had our first "warm" day it was only 50 degrees but I was practically sweating! That's just how the mind works, I suppose.

As always, this 30 day challenge is to raise money for the Batonga Foundation, an organization that gives girls in Africa a full education, which improves every area of their lives, be it their jobs, their family, and their health. It's an awesome organization and I encourage you to help me reach the goal of $500. Also at the end of the month, everyone who donated will be automatically entered into a giveaway. I'm not sure yet what that giveaway will include, but trust me, it will be spectacular.

Thank you so much, have an awesome day, and please spread the word and donate!
