Monday, December 10, 2012

hey there bright eyes

hey there bright eyes

day 344

Because everyone needs at least one silly picture in their 365. And I want to remember how happy I am at the moment. I have awesome friends, an awesome boyfriend, an awesome family I'm coming back home to in less than a week, awesome supporters (that's you!), and I love everyone so much. Group hug!

got a secret

jacket/shoes/jean dress: forever 21 // white dress c/o sugarlips // leggings: urban vibe

Today marks the first day of the last week of my first semester at college! It's dead day, so I'm taking it easy and studying for finals and hanging out with friends and buying Christmas presents. My friends have also gotten me addicted to Pretty Little Liars (yeeah, major white girl show that's totally ridiculous and unrealistic but still somehow addicting), so I'm sure we will be watching a lot of that ... and playing poker. Oh yeah, we're crazy college students.

The rest of the week is going to go by so fast/slow. Fast because every week goes by really fast, but slow because I only have one final every day and then two on friday and each day itself goes by slowly. I think everyone including me is just about ready to go home. I think a lot of it is the Christmas spirit going around. Only five more days!

I hope your week is fantastic!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

my week in instagram #26

1. Chilling out at the dorm Christmas party drinking hot chocolate (out of a mug I made!) and making snowflakes. My roommate Annette is amazing at making snowflakes she's been helping me make some pretty cool ones. Our window is currently covered in our snowflake creations.

2. Finally hung up the Brave posters Matt got for me. I seriously loved all the art in that movie. Looking at the art makes me want to go to Scotland and Ireland so badly.

3. Snowflakes in the common areas! Courtesy of all the awesome people living in our dorm.

4. Glazing a random pot. I have just a couple more things I need to glaze, but I'm so sad ceramics is over. My teacher was sad I couldn't come back next semester, but one day I shall take all the ceramics classes. Even though some days were really frustrating, I loved being able to create things that I use in real life. It's practical art.

5. Making Christmas cookies! I might have eaten these all in one sitting.

6. Shadow play. This was a cool display at a senior art exhibition. I need to go back and take real pictures there.

7. Snowflakes everywhere! Oh my goodness, I took a lot of pictures of snowflakes this week.

8. Dressing up all fancy to celebrate the end of the semester by eating cheesecake with awesome people!

9. Forever fascinated by interesting ceilings. Whenever I finally get my own house, you can bet the ceilings will be awesome.

As always, you can follow my adventures on instagram @impulsings. Hope you guys have a fantastic week!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

the secrets we keep

the secrets we keep

day 342

Today has been an incredibly long day, but one where a lot has been overcome. Who knew I could learn so much in one day? To borrow from my boyfriend's facebook status: "Sometimes we forget how damaged people are from things that happened before we even knew them. We assume that their life began when we met them. But they lived an entire life before we knew their name, and assuming otherwise is unbelievably dangerous. Everyone has scars, everyone was hurt in the past. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Always remember that. We'll never know the full story - so don't take it upon yourself to fill in the blanks."

That status goes perfectly with the meaning I had set up for this 365 photo, where title is actually from a popular song about a girl in prostitution and the song talks about the facade that people put up and even though people you see look like they have it all together, they are really falling apart on the inside. And I think that image really shows that a. you can't judge people by their appearance, and b. everyone has demons that they face and you should be kind and loving to everyone and smile at strangers that you pass on the street because they could be fighting a hard battle and you would never know it. I think it really shows that every person is more than just a passing face and they have a story and an entire past wrapped up into who they are and I purposely created the image to tell a story and to stir up emotion. (Mostly the emotion of compassion for the character because a lot of things in the photo imply that she is facing a hardship--downward gaze, the smoke that presents mystery, the tones of the photo, etc. and to get the viewer to want to help her.)

I think it takes a lifetime to not only learn about a person but it also takes a lifetime to realize that there are people other than you. What I mean is, that other people have thoughts and feelings and the things you do and say affect those feelings. I want to live a life where I only create positive feelings for others. Above all, I want to be a good friend.

Speaking of friends, today some of my friends and I celebrated the end of the semester by dressing up all fancy and going out for cheesecake. It was so so much fun and I am blessed beyond belief to have these girls in my life.

Today's 365 photo was an incredibly awesome accident. Ivy and I sat down by a mirror to wait for the other girls and we noticed it created an awesome effect. So right there Ivy modeled for me and I modeled for her, obviously:

Oh yeah. We're hot. The mirror loves us. ;) (But seriously my friends are so beautiful, inside and out.)