Sunday, June 3, 2012

Senior Prank

Even though this legendary event happened almost a month ago, the event in question was of such epic proportions that it does not matter the time or the season with which it is told, just so long as people hear of the night history was made at Lauren's high school.

The night was cold. Students gathered, armed with blankets, streamers, balloons, confetti, candy, and sheer determination. There were two phases to their operation. Phase one involved parking everyone's cars in a giant circle around the student parking lot to cease all parking the next morning.

After the school was unlocked (by one of the administrators, so it was perfectly legal), phase two commenced. The doors to the classrooms flew open simultaneously and students poured into the rooms. They removed every single desk, moving them all into the common area to create a giant desk maze for unsuspecting students and teachers the next day.

The halls were filled with streamers and candy, desks and signs reading "2012, the end is near" and "seniors 2012" and upon the completion of the damage, the seniors returned to their cars to eat smores, watch movies, and sleep (though legend has it some pulled all nighters).

In the morning teacher and student drivers alike turned the corner, expecting to see a nice, empty parking lot, only to find the empty lot barricaded by senior cars. And the madness only continued inside the building. All the community laughed at the sight, though one angry mother stormed in, looked around at the sea of desks blocking her way, and stormed right out the door again.

The year these seniors were juniors, the seniors hadn't done anything, so not one person expected anything, and especially not something so monumental. Yes, it was a day one soon would forget.

My Week In Instagram -- #2

the family went camping // hit the jackpot on my first try with Matt at the arcade // my sister and I had a sleepover in her tent // I made some chocolate chip cookies when Matt came over for dinner // my dress challenge dress snuck into my outfit // played hopscotch with my kids // went to coffee with friends // bought lovely things at the bookstore // made bracelets on girls day

You can follow me on instagram @impulsings ... it's basically a party over there.

so try to be somebody

day 154

Despite the amount of photos I took today, I seem to have hit the first rut in my 365 (154 days in is pretty good, I'd say). It happens for every photographer. They think they've run out of ideas, run out of stamina, inspiration, sheer willpower to even push down on the shutter button. I know I have a lot of ideas (heck, I have a book filled with them), but something in me just doesn't want to give forth much effort right now. It's probably because I'm tired of my face in this project and because I have no models (I begged my sister to pose for today's photo but she refused--I even offered to pay her!). But don't worry, I'll come out of the rut; it always happens.

In other news, my brothers and dad left on a camping trip, so today was girls day! My mom, sister, and I went to the bead store to buy stuff to make bracelets, went to Barnes and Noble and got some books, and finally headed home to watch the Secret World of Arrietty (such a good movie!). I also got to hang out at coffee with my friends. Today was a very lovely day, which was much needed. I hope you had an awesome day as well!

Friday, June 1, 2012

don't worry, she doesn't know what she's doing either

day 153

Every day I think about deleting my flickr account. I always hate to come across as self-righteous or prideful or whatever, but we humans thrive on positive feedback. It's true. Currently I'm feeling pretty discouraged because hardly anyone comments on my flickr any more. Yeah, I know the comments aren't really important in the whole big grand scheme of things. Heck, I could care less. But the fact of the matter is, I do kind of care. Photography is meant to be shared and websites like flickr are great because not only is it a way to share what you love to do with other people who love the same thing, but you can grow and improve from what others say and from what you see. It's a beautiful community. But, I don't know, I'm just not getting that. I don't feel like a part of the community any longer.

I'm not sure what else to say. You know how you can go through entire conversations in your head but when it comes time to say them you forget everything? Yeah, that's me right now ...

I'll never ever stop taking photos, but maybe my time on flickr is coming to a close. It kills me to even think of that though. (I'm probably too much of a chicken to actually delete it anyways. Ya know, nostalgia and such.)

Okay, well now I think I'm beginning to ramble. Other than feeling sorry for myself, today has been good. I got to babysit my kids again and it was so much fun. At one point when the little girl was sitting in my lap, she looked up at me and said, "I love you, Miss Lauren." AAAAWWWWW!! My heart melted. Little children are the most adorable things ever. (And it kind of made me want to have kids ... hah! Good golly I'm getting ahead of myself.)

Also, here is a kind of sort of before edit. It was down to this one and the other image, but the other one won out in the end: