Several weekends ago, my brothers and I packed up the bare necessities, hoped on a boat, and backpacked throughout the wilderness of Alaska. This is the digital result of the trip. Sorrynotsorry this post is so long, but considering I took well over 300 photos, narrowing it down to 36 is pretty great. Plus, I shot three rolls of film while I was there as well, so there are even more photos to share with you in the coming months.

The first day we drove down to the ocean, hopped on a boat, and were dropped off in the wilderness. After carrying our packs, we set up camp in the rain, ate dinner from freeze dried packages in the rain, explored the beach in the rain, and fell asleep to rain. In the morning, we woke up to an inch of water in our tent, and while rain was still pouring down, my brother managed to get our door zipper stuck so that we couldn't close the tent. That resulted in many punctured holes and makeshift hinges to keep the rain out, and I learned a few more uses for rubber bands and rocks.

The second day we hiked to an abandoned military bunker, which was way too cool. I would love to go back there some day with fancy lighting equipment and shoot some high fashion, because even though most of the rooms were pitch black, from the glimpses that the flashlight revealed, it was a really cool location. Afterwards we ate lunch in the lookout tower, above the old missile launcher (or something to that effect). Then we continued hiking to the other side of the mountain, to the southern beach. Completely alone, with just the rain and seagulls and swelling waves. I never wanted to leave.

The final day we traversed along the beach more. I found several interesting shells, including some old crab shells. Then we waited for the water trolley to pick us up again. It was such a fantastic, if not wet, trip (did I mention it was wet? Because I was 100% soaked for at least 48 hours and that part was not very enjoyable).

Before and after the adventure. Success!
Have a beautiful day you guys!
(p.s. I'm in Oregon now, enjoying the hot weather, relaxing before I go back to school next week. Matt got his new car today, I get my new cell phone tomorrow, he and his brother and his dad all explored and ate yummy food, life is pretty good.)

Sunday I got to go to the state fair with my parents. They're pretty great. We got to go see Bill Cosby, King Tut, and some lumberjacks. I got to eat my weight in gyros, funnel cake, and my favorite, cotton candy. It was super fun getting to hang out with my parents all day, especially since I'm leaving for college in just a few hours! In fact, if you're reading this, chances are I'm in the air right now, sitting next to two awesome guys! (Matt and his brother Ben.) I guess I should finish packing now. My friend Lauren described it perfectly, I guess I'm kind of afraid that my first year was just a dream. I'm not as nervous for school, but I'm also not as excited. To help with this, I watched the videos I made for first and second semester. Those made me pretty excited to see my friends again. :3 They make me smile.
Welp, I've been rambling for far too long. Time to pack some more. Oregon, here I come!

pants: sister's closet // sweater/belt: forever 21 // shoes: target // button down shirt: boyfriend

"What the heck is Lauren wearing?" you may ask? I asked myself the same question. Never thought I'd see the day when I, Lauren Parker, wore sweatpants. That is what these are called, right? Well, a couple nights ago, I found myself pantsless and in my loft, when I spotted my sister's discarded clothes section (probably put there so she could hide them from our mother). So without thinking, I put them on, and I literally have not taken them off since. They are now officially my pajama pants that I wear during the day. Except, shortly after I took these photos, I discovered a hole in them, so I guess I won't be wearing these in public. Stacey and Clinton are thanking the Lord right now. But you can guarantee that whenever I'm in the privacy of my own home, I will be donning these comfortable things for the rest of eternity.

I hope you have a fabulous day. Tomorrow I'm flying out to Oregon!

For the final installment of my apartment wishlist series, we head on over to the bedroom, otherwise known as Lauren's sanctuary. This is where I spend the majority of my time during the summer, and even though I won't spend as much time in a bedroom at school, it's still nice to make it your special space. I'll still be sharing with another girl (don't know if I'll keep my roommate or if we will switch things around. But all my friends--including my roommate--are all in the same apartment, so we won't be far from each other!), so, being the person I am, our stuff will have to match somewhat, but these are the things I kind of want to be incorporated into the space.
The first is this pretty rug from IKEA. It reminds me of one of my millions of sketches in various notebooks, random lines and shapes all drawn to make a flower form. So obviously it needs to be under my toes. This rug is also really great, because we all have days where we forget to be awesome. This is just a nice reminder. I'm loving these string photo lights from UO. I can already picture all of my friends' faces in them to greet me every night before I go to bed. That sounds so creepy. In my never-ending love of space, this globe message board is perfect not only to fuel that love, but also to remind me of important meetings throughout the day! And what is earth without the moon? A super fun glow-in-the-dark moon clock is perfect for me to actually know what time it is so I can go to those appointments that I write down. And because you can never have enough lighting, this constellation lamp would look so cute on my desk! Since we can't paint the walls in our apartment, temporary wallpaper is the perfect fix. Well, since I'm basically living in the indie capital of the world, and I love coloring, this indie coloring book should do quite nicely in helping me procrastin--herm, relieve stress? Provide cognitive brain stimulus? But for actual brain function, I'll reach for pens and pencils in this adorable desk organizer. Ugh. They're seriously too cute. And finally to shed some light on the subject, everyone needs an overhead light. I especially love that this one is made of glass.
Well there you have it folks! The last apartment wishlist, which means ... this week I'll be moving! It also means I'll finally get a cell phone again (hellooooo instagram!). I can't wait to show you guys photos of the apartment after we decorate it.
Have a great week!