Tuesday, August 20, 2013

my summer internship

Well, today I am heading out on the very last day of my internship, and needless to say I'm a little sad. It's been such a crazy ride and I'm sad to leave all of my co-workers and my boss!

This summer I had the hugely unique opportunity to intern under Jeff Schultz, who has been the Official Iditarod Photographer since 1982. My two big projects were to redo his two websites and file literally thousands of stock and Iditarod film slides. I also got to accompany him on many photoshoots, by helping with setup as well as modeling for test and stock shots. You Alaska people might be seeing me on a billboard soon. ;)

It was really by chance that I got this internship. I emailed him asking if I could do it, knowing he didn't usually accept interns, but then a few email exchanges later and I got the job! It's been such a fantastic time learning from him and my two fellow (awesome) employees, Trent and Haley, who are both also wonderful people and insanely talented photographers. I learned so much that I've already been able to put into practice, whether that be photoshop techniques (thanks Trent! You have saved me hours of work on multiple occasions), lightroom, the ins and outs of owning your own business, and of course, "fake it till you make it."

That saying has saved me so many times. There were a lot of days I had no idea what I was doing, but somehow everything worked out (not without a million google searches). You can see Jeff's new fancy Iditarod Photos website here and his personal photography page here!

I am so so thankful I had this opportunity and I'll be very sad to say goodbye to everyone today, but I'm also excited to take what I learned and apply it to my own photography.

two and a half years // August 19th

circa January 2011, a month before we started dating

There is this boy.

He puts life and light into my world.
His very presence turns my bad day around.
His ridiculous characters are endearing.
His conversations are enlightening.
His smile is comforting.

There is no such thing as a lazy day with him,
because even if we just sit and talk,
every moment with him is a grand adventure.

He pushes me to be better, go farther, and do better.
He inspires me daily to become a better person, a more daring person, a more confident person.
He teaches me about love and about overcoming.
He teaches me about friendship and trust and companionship.

He shows me the world through a different lens,
and he encourages me to defend my own with everything I have.

He is my best friend, my partner in crime, and the love of my life.
I love you, Matt.

Monday, August 19, 2013

midnight sun

dress: amazon // shirt: mom's closet // denim shirt: ebay // tights/socks: forever 21 // shoes: target

These might be my favorite outfit photos to date. There's just something about the light and the dress contrasting the dark background and the framing of the tree that I really love. Summer is just about over here in Alaska though, it's been rainy for the past few days and it's starting to be a bit chilly outside. I think the thing I don't like about change is the moment right before it, when suddenly you're unsure of whether you really want it to happen or not. Fall is forever my favorite season because I love layering and being cozy under warm coats and mittens, and up until, well, today, I was excited for fall. But now, I'm thinking, "Can't this warm weather just last a liiiittle bit longer?" Of course once fall actually comes around, I'll be excited for it, but it's that moment before that's the hardest. Regardless though, it's still summer in Oregon, so I'll be able to experience some warmth for at least another month whenever I move back!

Well, it's the start of my last full week in Alaska. Tomorrow is my last day of my internship, and then I have a week of "summer vacation". It's funny though, in the past three weeks, I've gotten three client projects, so I'll actually be busy with my own photography businessy stuff. I'm certainly not complaining about the time crunch though! I absolutely love taking pictures for people and I'm excited to be busy with client work.

Also, I've always wanted to wear two bows in my hair like this, but never did it because I was afraid people would think it looked ridiculous. But then I remembered, "I don't care what other people think!" and put them in my hair and loved every moment of it.
Wear what you want, people! Be confident!

Hope you have a great week!

p.s. Modcloth is having their huge end of summer sale right now. Be sure to check it out!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

apartment wishlist // the living room


It's on to the living room for this week's apartment wishlist! I have a feeling we will be spending the most amount of time in the living room, so it's important that it looks very cute and welcoming. In rainy Oregon, it will be important that we all have a place to hang our coats when we first come in, so this coat hanger from UO would be perfect. My friends and I are planning a huge IKEA run when we all get back together (my wallet is begging for mercy already), and I've been eyeing this bookshelf for a while. I already have a ton of books that I've acquired in Oregon, and I would love to properly display them. Speaking of making the living room more welcoming, this "apartment sweet apartment" doormat is literally perfect. Someone please buy this for me because it's so cute! this and that pillow look like they are a match made in heaven. I don't know what color couch we will have, so these bright, fun pillows may or may not go with a nasty college couch. Perhaps I should also search for a couch cover? And since we probably won't be able to paint the walls either, these butterfly wall decals are every college person's dreams. Also this photo hanger. We love printing out photos from our adventures together, and it would be so fun to have them all hanging in the common area. (I wonder how easy it would be to diy this?) And going off the colorful theme in the pillows, this rug practically has my name written all over it. In a perfect world, we would have a nice white couch, which would make this rug pop even more. Oooh I can picture it now ... Our freshman year of college, we all had white boards on our doors, so we could write each other notes. This noteboard from Modcloth would certainly keep that tradition alive! As for this road rug? Do I even have to explain myself. I want this because of reasons. Also it reminds me of when I used to play hotwheels with my little brothers, and I bet everyone would get a kick out of us having on of these. But back in the world of adults, we'll probably need a coffee table such as this one. So that our cars will have a real mountain to jump off of, obviously.

Hope you have a wonderful week!