Monday, November 26, 2012

stripes on stripes

entire outfit: borrowed

Part of me feels like I'm cheating completely with this whole personal style blogging thing when I wear outfits not even from my own wardrobe. (As if we could cheat with this stuff anyways.) I mean, not everyone can just pick out clothes that they didn't have to buy and wear them around. It's like my life is a walking pinterest dream. But really, I feel like there's an added challenge of going into a closet you're unfamiliar with and putting an outfit together without trying it on and then having to wear it the next day even if it looks bad on you because you already feel like you've outwarmed your welcome by invading someone else's closet in the first place (which I actually couldn't do because the girl I borrowed these from is the sweetest girl in the entire world) (and I really like this outfit, so Lauren got lucky!) I won't lie, it's awesome getting to have virtually eighteen other closets to pick and choose from, kind of because of feeling like I'm inside pinterest and kind of because it has really challenged me to explore different things and put together outfits based on patterns and color and proportion and not necessarily on how it looks on me. But what do you guys think? I want to know what your thoughts on this are!

But on to less controversial topics, I hope you guys had an awesome Thanksgiving break! Some of the highlights of mine were getting to see Matt, playing bingo, watching Skyfall, and watching Matt's family's old home videos. Little Matt was so precious and adorable and kind of made me fall in love with current Matt even more! It was so awesome being able to see him in person and I'm already counting down the days until when I get to see him again.

And now we officially can be in the Christmas spirit! Hope you all have a great day!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

now I'm closer to the sun

now I'm closer to the sun

day 329

After doing homework (aka procrastinating by looking through old old facebook photos ... like year 2008 photos. Let me just say, there are some treasures in there, haha!), I chased down the sunset. My friend Bekah brought me back a dress from her home that her Aunt didn't want, and of course I had to take it out for a run. I love that my friends cater to my crazy photoshoot props and wardrobe. Currently my room is filled with a stolen traffic cone, a wig, a giant crayon, fancy goblets, random butterflies and other crazy stuff. What's another dress to add to the collection?

my week in instagram #24

a 365 photo // making snowflakes // puddles and rainy days // burnt popcorn and the fire department in our dorm // holding Matt's hand for the first time in three months // playing bingo // Matt and I // Matt in his hypothetical home office // finishing up my plate in ceramics

Hey everyone! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. It was a nice break for me not having to worry about homework or shooting anything conceptual or working on blog posts, but I'm excited to get back into the schedule of things. The time with Matt was definitely way too short and I'm already counting down the days until Christmastime.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

happy thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday filled with family and friends. As for me, I have been reunited with my handsome man and am surrounded by lots of wonderful family and I am very very happy.

To my family back home: I love you guys so much and I miss you a ton, but I hope you still have a great Thanksgiving. And be sure to save some macaroni and cheese for me!

Since this holiday is all about giving thanks, I want to share just a few things I am thankful for. I am especially thankful for my college. It has given me so many opportunities and friendships that I would have never dreamed of. I'm also thankful for a family that calls me on Thanksgiving, and for kind strangers now friends for housing me for a couple of nights. And I am especially thankful for Matt. I'm so glad we get to spend the next few days together. It's as if we've never been apart and this only solidifies how much we love and care for each other (and how much it grows each day). He makes me very happy. I am also really thankful for you guys. Seriously, you are the best. I wish I could express how happy I am for us to be able to come to this blog together and create friendships and share our stories and insights. I love you so much. So what are you thankful for? Let me know so that we all can celebrate this awesome holiday together.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday everyone!