This past weekend my family went camping with our church. It ended up being fun despite us being cold ninety percent of the time. My youth pastor let us play with his fancy head gear camera (for the moment the name of it escapes me ... blarg) and it was a ton of fun to wear.
The second day we were there, people put together canoe and kayak races so nearly everyone took to the water. Though I really love kayaking, I opted to stay back and take photos of random people instead of kayaking with random people.
Like I said in a previous post, this was one of my favorite camping spots. Last year when we went, we went on two hikes and walked along the beach more and just took in the beauty of nature. This time around, we didn't do as much, probably because my mom is still in a sling from her shoulder surgery, but that was just fine with me. I'm all for doing as little physical activity as possible. Wink! (p.s. if you're a mom, you should click on that link--my mom has her own blog too!)
Ahahaha I hope that even though you guys don't necessarily know these people that these photos still make you laugh. I know I'm laughing!
Our next camping trip is scheduled in a couple of weeks, so be prepared for more photos of people who haven't showered in days. Oh yes, I know you're excited about that. In the meantime, have a great day!
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Moriah cut her hair today. Goodbye Rapunzel locks, hello Madeline bob. She donated her hair to Locks of Love, reminding me of the day I did the same.
In case you haven't noticed, this has been kind of a rough week for me. Sitting around, not doing much--I have yet to find serious motivation to do anything productive, including blogging. I apologize for that and I thank you all for your sweet comments; it definitely gives me a boost. With that being said, I do have some super fun things planned, including some diy posts, a whole bunch of wedding things (as I'm shooting my first wedding next week!!), and even a giveaway! You won't want to miss it.
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Without ever looking at the definition of nostalgia in the dictionary, it's come to be so much of my life. I've been cleaning my room, and by cleaning I mean sitting on the floor looking through years of my life. I'm hopelessly nostalgic and though I would say I can let go of the past, I can't let go of memories. Or rather, I can't let go of the objects that conjure those memories. Going to college in a few short months, I won't be able to take everything, so downsizing is proving to be a difficult task. Plus knowing that I won't ever sleep in this room again (Lord willing I get my own home after college) is making matters even more difficult. Every little note, every little drawing and shirt and scrap of metal or rock smells of days and moments that I want to remember for the rest of my life, and I can't just let those items go like they mean nothing.
It's a sad state to be in, sitting on the floor surrounded by treasures others deem as junk, knowing that you won't even be able to take any of it with you after you die. It makes every single thing in life seem completely pointless, which is a good thing. All the people you wish you could be as good as, those that hurt you, the bad things in the world, none of that will matter because every person dies. The only things that matter are the things that stay after you die: your legacy. The things you make with your hands, the words you write, the art, the inventions, the number of people you touch, though you can't take those things with you, you leave them behind, and they end up being treasures for many instead of treasures just for you strewn across the floor.
I want my life to be a treasure for many.