Saturday, November 17, 2012

this is for those who think they've lost hope

this is for those who think they've lost hope

day 321

This photo is for everyone who has encouraged me, left a comment, liked, favorited, whatever, on my photos. I really am my own worst critic. I know what I'm capable of and I beat myself up whenever anything is less than perfect. Sylvia Plath (aka my spirit animal) said that "the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt" and I seem to have it in excess. It seems like every other day I think about quitting the 365 or I think about how incompetent I am, but the things that keeps me going are your encouraging words. Even a couple minutes before this photo was taken, I was so distraught in my own self doubt that I considered quitting. And literally (I kid you not), the moment I thought that, my friend Sarah posted on my facebook wall that my work keeps getting better and better. I started crying. And then I took this photo. It is for Sarah and everyone else who encourages me that keeps me going, and it's me with that stubborn urge to become good at something that keeps me going. So thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I don't think you'll ever know just how deeply your kind words affect me and how extremely grateful I am for them. Seriously, I could never ever thank you enough.

horizon line

horizon lines

day 320

If I didn't have to take a photo every day, this would be one of those photos that would never get put on the internet. I tried a brand new way of shooting, but I obviously did not succeed since this photo is less than perfect (aka really bad. I'm so embarrassed to post this but I have nothing else). I'm about ready for this project to be over because I'm tired of unsuccessful photos. But oh well. Such is life. Today's photo will be posted after I take it. ;)

Thursday, November 15, 2012



day 319

This photo was major experimentation as I accidentally slept past sunset and had no light outside. But tomorrow is another day.

let's dance

shirt: thrifted // sweater: borrowed // skirt/tights/shoes: forever 21 // bow tie: diy

How do you guys like my new hair? My friend Annette and Tabatha helped me finally dye my hair purple last friday! I've been wanting to dye my hair purple since the beginning of summer, and after I dyed my tips to make sure I liked the color, I did my whole head! I'm really happy about it and have already gotten so many compliments from random students and random old ladies that pass by me on my walks (they ended up talking about how they wanted to dye their hair purple too!). I'm excited to watch it fade over the next months as well, because with my tips, the color always remained really pretty.

Also, it's pretty cool that we have the technology to change our hair color. I really love my natural brown locks, but it's also fun to change things up. My philosophy is that life is too short to live with any regrets, and I think I would be sad if I never dyed my hair a fun color; plus I think it would be best to do it in college while I'm still a "kid," so that I can still use rebellion as an excuse, haha. Even though this color isn't as crazy as I could have gone. ;)

I hope you have a great day!