Friday, July 27, 2012

happiness; hold on

day 208

For the morning part of today I moped around, watched the finale of Design Star that had been recorded, got sucked into two hours of Chopped, and then decided to do something productive and take photos. I will have a full outfit post up in a few hours (woah I'm doing an outfit post? It's only been forever since I did one.) so be excited people! All the neighbors and people on the road probably thought I was absolutely insane while I took this photo ... but that's okay. You can see the before and after on my facebook page! (you could maybe even 'like' it pretty please?)

After I started feeling better from getting a million scratches from trees and dirty looks from drivers for laying on coolers in front of a camera (I'm actually not being sarcastic, I get such a rush from doing crazy things like that), I went to church to practice my song on Sunday (yeeeah I'm singing in church oh happy happy joy) and then headed over to Matt's house to watch Doctor Who and hang out with super awesome people. So I would say my bad day ended up being pretty great.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

sky sailing

day 207

I know, I know, this is a lame excuse for a photo. I haven't really been in a 365 project mood, but hopefully maybe tomorrow I'll actually put forth a little effort. At any rate, this is a peek into what my room looks like. The painting I did two years ago when I first moved up to Alaska and had nothing better to do with my time.

Today I got to go over to Matt's house to have a Batman marathon and then we headed out to watch the new movie. If you haven't seen it yet, you must do so now.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

wake up, you've got a lot of things to do

day 206

(basically these photos are just me messing around in photoshop)

I really didn't know how I was going to beat yesterday's photo, and quite honestly I sort of forgot I had to take a photo today. But by the time I got home from spending dinner and game night at my friends Joel and Marquel's house with Matt it was too dark to do anything outside.

Monday, July 23, 2012

a transfiguration

day 205

(click on the photo to view it really large)

Megan leaves me a mere two hours from now, but we were able to spend our last day running last minute errands and creating the above image together. I'm definitely going to miss her and her beautiful face!