Long time no outfit post, huh? Yesterday I happened to find myself with a bit of free time, no access to a computer to work on client photos, and a need to get out of the house, so for old time's sake I grabbed my tripod and remote (and camera, of course), and took some photos of what I wore for July 4th. And no, this doesn't mean a resurgence of outfit posts. My camera/lens is starting to show wear and tear and doesn't really auto focus very well anymore, so even if I did want to take photos of myself all the time, I would get too tired of the soft focus that these photos have. But I digress ...
As everything, this post is a documentation--of my style evolution, of my confidence, of my hair growth, of my general youth to look back on in later years.
Of my style evolution; I'm starting to be drawn towards simpler, modern designs. Androgynous with a feminine twist. Also occasionally with some of the 90's resurgence. This outfit isn't particularly a mirror of that, but it is certainly a step away from my old, girly ice-cream dress, hair bow, past. (Though I'm not going to ever put myself in a box.) Of course, deciding to change your entire style is no easy process, but I'm finding ways to cut corners a bit--making my own clothes (like these mom-jeans turned shorts), looking through bags of clothes I hated in junior high and love now, and reworking the things I already own in new ways.
Of my confidence; It's taken a long time for me to become generally confident with myself look-wise, and it continues to get better every day. People can say that looks don't matter, but I'll be honest, I love feeling pretty. And American society is a very visual society, so outward appearance is important to an extent. But I won't get too into that ... I'm actually attempting to grow out my bangs, which I have had since eighth grade. I got bangs because I hated my forehead and my eyebrows, and they were great and I love them,but I just want to try something else out for a change. So for now I'm rocking the elementary school 90's middle bang part and I feel fabulous. And it's awesome! Also I'm gearing up the courage to bleach my hair and try blonde. I used to have blonde hair when I was little, and my mom, brother, and sister all have blonde hair. That's what I keep telling myself to convince myself that I won't look ridiculous with it. Either I'll go dirty blonde, or bleach it to a pinkish white, ooor maybe have it light purple. We'll see. But now is the perfect time for me to be totally irresponsible with my hair, since it would be a bit unprofessional after college, so might as well!
Anyways, these words are just for me to remember. Ever since I was a little girl, I would write in my diary and imagine myself (and a million other people because I was going to publish my diaries, haha) looking back after all those years and reading it again. I found a couple of those diaries, and let's just say it's not going to get published--nor is anyone ever going to see it. But at least now that I am a little bit more aware of myself, these silly little blog posts will be interesting (and hopefully not embarrassing) to read when I'm a lot older.
So with that, I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July, whether you were celebrating America or otherwise.