Sunday, December 16, 2012

no, no, no, no, no

day 349

oh whoops yet another hair flip with a crazy crop photo ... come on, Lauren ...

an old guy smoking a cigarette and contemplating life watched me take this.

Also today I got to see the Hobbit. You should drop what you're doing right now and go see it.

my week in instagram #27

poker while I was winning // poker while I was *ahem* not winning // drinking hot chocolate and studying for finals // my favorite 365 photo to date // poker getting a little out of hand // Oregon saying goodbye to me // me saying goodbye to Oregon // finally made it back to Alaska // Alaska saying hi

Hope you guys had a great week and may the next one be even better!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

back in the last frontier

day 348

I'm finally back home in Alaska for a month. I forgot how cold it is here, and how quickly the sun rises and sets (only three hours of daylight). It's weird being home but it's a good weird. I can't wait to see all my friends here and take fun wintry photos and of course celebrate another Christmas and New Years.

Friday, December 14, 2012

film friday: the rip tide

I am a fan of this band and this music video. It definitely inspires me a lot, but I will let it speak for itself.