Tuesday, September 25, 2012

photo dump

day 267
cyber spaces

day 268

day 269
crowded spaces

Blarg, two photo dumps in a row. It isn't a matter of me not having enough time to post things, it's just that 1. I am lazy and 2. ... nope, it's just that I'm lazy when it comes to actually editing photos. It's just that I have to find a nice balance between relaxing, doing homework, socializing, and doing my own personal projects. But I am ready to get on a good schedule and actually put forth effort. I'll have an outfit post up tomorrow and some other fun projects lined up, so stay tuned for awesomeness!

Monday, September 24, 2012

my week in instagram #18

drawing tattoos on myself // making ugly pots in ceramics // waking up to hot air balloons outside our window // using a power saw for the first time // dying shirts // rock climbing // posing with an awesome group of girls // watching baby plants grow // stargazing

Hope you guys had a fantastic week!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

photo dump

day 262

day 263

day 264

day 265

day 266

Long time no see! Here are the 365 photos from this past week. I have been so busy doing other things that I couldn't find time to upload them, so I woke up early this morning to get this and other things done. Hope you all have an awesome week.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Moriah!

Happy Birthday, Moriah! Sorry I can't be there to celebrate in person, but I promise I'll be on skype when you open your presents. You're the best little sister ever. I love you and miss you a lot and can't wait to make snowmen with you during Christmas break. I hope you have a great day!