Wait, is this really an outfit post? Sorry, don't get too used to it. I felt very out of my element taking non-creative photos of myself in a somewhat busy part of campus (and all the smiling photos ended up being out of focus, haha). But I had a sudden burst of wanting to document my outfit, mostly out of the fact that my style has changed a bit from quitting personal style blogging and I want at least one representation of that change.
I wear these shoes/pants/jacket almost constantly, and really should invest in pieces similar to them. The necklace is a gift from Matt's mom for my twenty-first birthday, which I love. I've been pretty drawn to the minimalist, Portland-hipster fashion that everyone's doing, but I think it looks really clean and professional and adult-like, which is something I'm trying to do (except for my pink-ish hair, haha) with my appearance. In a perfect world, I think I would have a completely monochromatic wardrobe, which might sound crazy to 2012-2013 Lauren, but it's true. And honestly, I think it allows for a lot of creativity. Maybe not in constructing my outfits, but definitely in wearing pieces that are art in and of themselves. I should say though that I'm kind of speaking from a what-if standpoint, since I don't actually have that many pieces that are unique and can stand on their own. But at this point in my life it's not really a priority to actually change my wardrobe--I've only consolidated and put some things in storage and sometimes borrow appropriate clothes from my roommates. Give it a few years though and I will have the most glorious black and white wardrobe ever. ;)
But anyways, if you really want to keep up with my life, it's best to follow me on instagram for mostly personal things, and my facebook page for mostly professional things, though I do have a couple other social media platforms (like twitter, august, ello, etc. Yeah, I'm crazy).
Hope you have a very wonderful day!