Two weekends ago my family went on our first camping trip of the summer, and man was it an adventure! Only five minutes on the road on the most dangerous highway in North America (or so my dad says), we hear a loud bang from the top of the car and see things flying behind our speeding vehicle. Cars behind us swerved to avoid the flying objects and while we all freaked out inside the car, my dad pulled over to investigate.

Turns out that little piece sheered off our overhead compartment, throwing the lid open and causing all our sleeping bags and tents to fly away. So my brothers, dad, and I all walked along the highway trying to gather our belongings while tour buses drove by with tourists most likely laughing at us and the tour guides saying, "And on our right we have some locals trying to go camping. They didn't book with Alaska Tours and are now suffering the consequences." Thankfully, we got all our stuff back and with a few bungee cords keeping everything down, we were back on the road to go camping!

But when we got to the campgrounds, everything was covered in snow. It was so weird. Seriously, it's summer. There shouldn't be snow. And yet, some of the lots were covered and a bathroom was blocked completely from the foot of snow. We talked to some of the other campers and they said that they came every year at the same time and snow has never been an issue. I guess it's just been a very long winter.

For this camping trip I completely overpacked. I had brought nearly every warm sweatshirt I owned, but ended up wearing the same thing the entire time. Yeah, I even wore the same clothes to bed too. Sometimes, it's just too cold outside to change into pajamas. And man, was it cold this time! Everyone was freezing and pretty miserable, but we tried to stay warm by the fire (and also by wearing a million layers of clothes). I'm hoping we get to come back to this campground though. Last time we came we got to hike to the glacier and bike to beautiful lakes, but this time we weren't able to due to the snow.

In the wild, you have to find ways to entertain yourself. Nicholas has this trick where he can squirt water through his teeth. William tried to replicate it but only succeeded in spewing water everywhere.

Part two shall be up tomorrow!

day 159
color version (click on the photo):

This is Carson! He so kindly agreed to model for a photo. Today was his birthday as well, so a celebration at Red Robin was in store, as well as jumping around on trampolines until unknown hours of the night (because the sun makes people think it's a lot earlier than it actually is).
Tomorrow I'm going camping for the weekend, so I'll have to update my 365 photos when I return, but I will have some fun posts scheduled while I'm gone!
So have a super awesome weekend, everyone!

red dress: mom's closet // polka dot dress: handmade by my grandmother // bag: gift

Being a person who loves to stuff everything in her pockets, when I got this bag as a graduation present, I was excited to try it out. Knowing I was actually going to go into public, and it's so hot out, I wanted to match my bag, something that I have never done before in my life. It's an extra challenge being all matchy matchy with your accessories, but since I just have this one brightly colored bag, I'm mostly just excited to try something new.

I wore this when I met with my clients (woah, don't I sound so professional?) at coffee to discuss wedding things. Matt, my friend Jacob, and I are the wedding photographers for our friends' wedding and as the day quickly approaches, we're getting more excited and apprehensive. If you follow me on tumblr, you know I've been freaking out just a little bit about the wedding, as it is my first one, but after this meeting, I'm not too worried anymore. It's such an exciting opportunity and because they're confident the photos will be amazing, I'm confident they'll be amazing. So be warned, in two weeks, this blog is going to turn into a wedding blog.

Because it was such a sunny day, my nail polish turned bright pink (it changes color based on the amount of UV rays in the atmosphere). I even started sweating a bit taking these photos--in sixty one degree weather too. Yeah, Alaska makes you tough, except I'm going to be a big baby when I charge headlong into ninety degree weather when I go to college.

Let's hope this awesome weather continues! I'm meeting with people the rest of this week for photoshoots, and I have a special shoot planned for next Saturday. Life is looking good!
How's your summer going?