Hooray! Another college wishlist! This one's a bit more random, with clocks and lamps and a chalkboard and headphones, but that's just the way it goes. I'm obsessed with time, the concept of it, being on time, etc. (random fact: I'm not very good at telling time because I cheated on the time cards we had in first grade that taught us how to tell time ... I was such a bad kid, haha. Well I'm paying for it now!) Clocks really add a homey touch anywhere, plus they're good to, ya know, not be late to class and whatnot.
And just look at those fun paper lanterns? The dorm that I requested to stay in has a glorious window wall in each dorm, so there is plenty of natural lighting, but being a photography person, I'll still need tons of light if I ever want to do indoor shoots in my tiny dorm room.
The dorm that I hope to live in sadly is going to be torn down after my freshman year, so I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe they'll let us paint the walls and nail things into them and whatnot, but if not I will definitely want a cute whiteboard or chalkboard to write down important things I want to remember. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the painting dream!
The headphones are more of a want than a need. But still, they're super awesome!
The wish list series still isn't over, so stay tuned for more in the upcoming days!
P.S. I've managed to lose my SD card adapter AGAIN, so the 365 will be updated as soon as I find it ... I guess it's time to clean my room again.
Whenever I come home from school, my coat always manages to find itself on the floor ... along with many other clothes. Sharing a small dorm room with a college room mate will probably not call for clutter, so some of the things on my college wish list are hooks and coat racks.
Also, I love to display photos and papers and notes and movie ticket stubs, and my college provides a board for each student to hang things on in their dorm, so tape and magnets (and string and glue and ... ooh man) will be my best friends. You guys, I'm too excited to decorate my dorm and make it all pretty. Haha I'm crazy, I know.
day 51
Good golly isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen? Since we didn't get to do very much yesterday on our actual anniversary, today Matt and I had an awesome adventure! We chilled out at his house, watching Supernatural and scaring ourselves silly, wrestling (quite literally. Matt's brother was concerned for my safety, haha. I stayed strong though. But even though Matt won the tickle battle, he has not won the war!), running around the fabric store (I had to purchase some things for myself and for school), and finally going to the arcade at the mall! Ever since my drama teacher and his fiance introduced us the the glory that is the arcade, Matt and I have made it a tradition to go there. I always get the jackpot on the thunder game, he always gets the jackpot on the ball drop game, and we both always get the high score on the shark smashing game. We're already at 5,000 tickets! There's a waffle maker as one of the prizes (crazy Alaskans, I guess), and he and I jokingly said that we were going to get it for our future home. We shall see.
All in all it was an awesome anniversary and I still have the biggest crush on him ever. :3 Aaawe so mushy gushy grossness. That is all.